The answer to this question is not going to be easy. After all, it’s a question of existence, existence of something that is not tangible. The debate is never-ending it seems. For simplicity’s sake, let us say Team A believes that god does exist whereas Team B thinks otherwise. If you ask me, whether I am Team A or Team B — I am neither, I am just trying to stay Happy! Now what actually makes one happy is another topic to talk about. But to generalize, being happy is nothing but being your very self and doing what brings the best of your very self.
Being yourself is easy to write or say when it comes to actually being, it takes a lot. Maybe this requires some part of self-awareness, a belief system, inner strength, and clarity. Again, these words — easy to write, easy to say! Oneself or a person reflects his persona based on one’s nature and nurture. These elements are the foundation that is built in our childhood. The time when we hardly have any control over things. As we grow, we grow with our nature and what has been nurtured. The reflection of yourself is mostly what others tell about you, your belief is what others asked to believe, your strength is not known at the full potential, and its a big world, clarity of everything is nearly impossible. Then how do we be our very self?
Here is one thing to know, it’s a whole big universe. And we are an extremely small part of it. There certainly has to be a supreme thing behind the creation of the universe, the creation of the planets, the creation of the environment, the creation of the living things…(let me call it only a thing here, it may be power, energy or even a person — shutting the debate here). Wherein, how do we know the reason of existence of our very self, how do we know the exact role of very self? If these things are not known to us, then how do we be our very selves? We often and seldom get lost here. For which, we directly seek answers from this supreme thing. For some it’s energy, for some it’s power or for some it’s a person. This supreme thing is definitely not a bot to quickly resolve all your queries. The process of seeking answers will be different for every being. And every process will differ based on one’s nature and nurture. During this process, one becomes more self-aware, builds their own belief system, develops inner strength, and hence, more clarity.
The process for some would-be through connecting to the energy, for some would-be display of power, or for some would be through connecting to a person. According to me, (and here’s come the potentially controversial statement) God is nothing but a personification of this supremacy thing. Isn’t it easier to connect to a person? Isn’t a person easy to approach? Existence of a person is very much believable? Hence, whatever we have heard about God is in terms of stories. Easier to connect, approach and believe. Currently, I am taking this easier process to seek answers of my existential queries. Which does not close the door to explore the other processes. The world is way too big, there is lots to explore, lots to learn. Why do we get into fights about following one single process which is very much individual.
So, the crux of this write-up is to stop no-pointer shitty fights. Life itself is a process and uncertain. So why don’t we try to be our very self or do the best which brings our very self? This is all from my side. Thanks for coming to Ted-talk.
Ps: There’s another option, connect to our very own creator — Parents. Be your best for them, do your best for them. Even that is beautiful. :)